Extra! Extra! Read All About It!

I don’t know about you, but I suggest you start reading the paper. If not the newspaper, at least the city newsletter that comes in your mailbox every month. I used to throw them away without a second glance, but I was curious this time around. I had seen signs for the night zoo around different train stations, but I never thought I would see it in the monthly newsletter. It felt like a sign that I needed to go. I’m no stranger to the zoo, which you will know if you’ve read my blog about going to Adventure World, which you can read here; however, I’d never been to Tennoji Zoo.


No Slothing Around Here!

If you know me, you know I’m always getting up to things, going to all kinds of events, and just trying to live my best life. That being said, I just knew I had to go. By now, her name should be familiar from my previous adventures in Tennoji and to celebrate Tanabata, but I asked Junko if she was interested in going to the zoo. She’s been to the zoo during the day, but never for fun nor at night time, so it was quite the experience for both of us. Not only that but when I suggested that we wear cute animal ears, she eagerly agreed to❣

The Zoo

Tennoji Gals

We can’t seem to stay away from Tennoji haha. Somehow I still managed to get on the wrong train to get there, but I’m always grateful to Junko and her patience with me. Make sure to have a landmark to meet your friend if you’re going here, it’s like a maze in Tennoji.

Getting in

Getting in and getting tickets was so easy! We just walked straight up to the ticket counter and bought our tickets. We arrived around 6:40 PM and the night zoo closes at 8pm each day.

 The Admission Fee:

Adults: 500 yen

Elementary/junior high school students: 200 yen

Preschoolers and younger: free


As soon as we went in, we were greeted by small animals and goats in the ‘friendly animal garden’ area.

Cuteness Overload

Recently, I found out that I really love animals and I was so excited to go around and see the little cuties! Check out some of the animals below!

***It’s important to state that some of the animals are not available to be seen after a certain time and that some areas/animal houses are closed off due to their feeding time, certain holidays, and if it is the weekend. Make sure that you’re not going when your favorite animal’s houses are closed off~

Learning is Fun!

It was also interesting to learn about the different animals based off of the information plaques in front of their living areas. This is a great place to take children to get them interested in animals and learning about them.


You all know me, I may not be here for a long time, but I’m definitely here for a good time.

Again, Junko had the patience of a saint to let me drag her everywhere and take silly pictures together. I was literally a kid at a candy store.

There are all kinds of areas where you can take pictures, so don’t hesitate to stop and take a few with the statues, the photo cut-out boards, and at the photo spots!

The Night Experience

The zoo was great and I certainly don’t think I would’ve been able to go in the daytime given that the temperature is too high outside these days. But there were a few things I feel like we missed out on because we didn’t go during the daytime.

 A lot of the animal areas were closed, unfortunately. Whether that be due to some of the construction that they’re doing around the zoo, or the time that we went, I still don’t know, but what I do know is I feel like we only got to see about half of the zoo when we were both hoping to see more.

There were also some areas where it was so dark that I wasn’t sure where the animal was in their housing area haha. It was like playing iSpy, which was fun because we always got excited when we found the animal, but I would’ve loved to see the animals without all of the games.

 Overall Score:★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

BONUS: A Little Sweetness

The reason why we were so late was because we went to eat okonomiyaki at 5 PM without thinking we would be talking for so long. We underestimated how much fun we always have when we meet up, so we ended up talking too much as we ate.

Afterward, we wanted to hang out a little more. The zoo is located about 5 to 7 minutes walking from where the shopping malls are- we went there next. Almost every time I hang out, I get a purikura, this time was no exception~

And to end the night, I really wanted something sweet after the zoo and so did Junko. So we went to the food court in the mall where we took the purikura and talked until 9pm~

I got a banana smoothie and she got a very delicious-looking mango ice drink.

Tennoji Fun

The Tennoji Night Zoo is a perfect way to beat the heat and enjoy the zoo in a whole new way. While not all animals are out, it’s still such a fun, chill experience—especially with friends or family. Just remember to get there early enough to see everything, and take your time soaking in the night vibes.

This was just one of the hundreds of things that you can do in Tennoji, keep my advice in mind when you’re getting your ticket for the night zoo; I believe they have it every Summer so you’ll have many chances to go. I hope that you have a wonderful time there, say hi to the lions for me!