In my never-ending series of movie-like moments, I took on a new adventure! What better way than to have a scene out of a movie by having a once-in-a-lifetime experience? Come with me to Tokyo as I go to my first Philharmonic Orchestra.

Sometimes All You Need Is a Little Music: Attending My First Philharmonic Orchestra
Birthday Interest
As a music lover, crazy Inuyasha fanatic, and violin player, I was so excited to find out about an Inuyasha orchestra concert taking place. In one of the Inuyasha fan groups that I’m in, someone posted about an Inuyasha concert. I did the classic back-and-forth, contemplating if I should go, before deciding that it was a concert that I wanted to go to as the voice actress of Kagome Higurashi (AKA: Inuyasha’s wife) was the MC.
My birthday was around that time, so I asked my mother for this gift since I normally don’t ask for anything for my birthday or Christmas. Luckily, my mother was more than happy to agree to treat me to the tickets.
Buying the tickets
The tickets were offered on a variety of different ticket platforms. I decided to use the E-Plus app to get my ticket because I am most familiar with that app after going to a few different live events using it. It is extremely convenient to use since I had the ticket right on my phone.
I was able to get S-section seats, which were the most expensive seats (12,500円), in hopes of sitting closer to the stage. Unfortunately, I think it was on a first come first serve ticket service, and I unfortunately hesitated to buy my ticket, so I bought mine about two weeks before the actual concert, even though they had been on sale about three months beforehand. I was lucky to get a good seat, though I did wish that it was a bit closer. Learning lesson for me to buy my ticket when I get the idea if I know it’s something that I really want to do~
Dressing the Part
I was so excited to go, so I wanted to get an outfit that felt orchestra-viewing-worthy. That being said, I ordered a simple casual/formal-looking black dress. It was cold outside given that the concert was in February, though I felt what I wore was worth it. While I decided to wear a dress, other people came in all types of clothes. Some people were in kimonos, some were in slightly casual/formal wear, some were even in cosplay, and others were in just casual wear.
✩✩✩ What’s most important is that you dress for comfort and that you wear something you feel confident in if you go.
(I can’t believe I forgot to take a full body picture :,()
Checking In
The concert started at 2:30 PM, though the doors opened at 1:30 PM. I’ve been running around all day between doing my Tokyo Valentine’s date, which you can read by clicking this link here in the morning, as well as meeting up with one of my close friends before running to the concert. Since my friend knows the Tokyo area better than me, she was kind enough to take me to the theater, as if a mother dropping off her child haha. In the end, I got there around 2 PM.
Naturally, I had to stop and take pictures around the Inuyasha poster on the first floor of the Tokyo Metropolitan Theater.
After we reached the fifth floor, we went to a room where many guests walked around, admiring beautiful flowers that were sent to the orchestra and the voice actresses.
From there I parted ways with my friend, scanned my barcode ticket, and walked into another area where I began to look around the area for items being sold. They had T-shirts, magnets, and a variety of other items, though there was nothing I felt like I needed.
I recommend going early just to get your bearings and make sure you know where your seat is. At this theater, they had staff that spoke English and could guide people to their seats, which was great. If you go to the theatre, don’t hesitate to speak to them if you are lost. The seats are very easy to navigate in this theater.
During Down
Since I was a bit early, I sat in my seat and looked at the free items that came in my package. I was able to flip through and look at the schedule for the day’s performance of what the orchestra would be playing. I was also able to look at the background information about the segments, the conductor, and voice actresses, as well as look at different promotional artwork for the event.
When Beauty and Nostalgia Collide
As soon as the music started, I felt so nostalgic and moved. It was truly a beautiful experience that made me reflect on so many things in life as I listened to the familiar opening OST and orchestra theme songs from the anime. Let’s just say there were many tears in the theater as other guests were extremely moved by the performance.
It was also a lovely experience as the MC, the voice of Kagome, interacted with the guests in the very front row as she asked questions about one of them being a super fan. Between the music, talk shows with other voice actresses of Kikyou and Shippou, and interactions, it’s impossible not to feel something special stir inside you as you watch the orchestra.
Sentimental Thoughts
I truly think that if you ever need to feel motivated or inspired, go to a Philharmonic Orchestra. Sometimes we get lost in the hustle and bustle of life, so it’s necessary for us to just take a moment to slow down and appreciate the beauty in things like music and nostalgia. I was lucky to experience this event (thank your mom) and I hope everyone can feel what I and so many others felt in that theater room. It was a 10 out of 10 experience and I was so grateful for that moment in life. If you are ever feeling stressed or like you need a break, going to the Philharmonic Orchestra may be just what you need.