
Hep5 is a big shopping mall located at the heart of Umeda. It’s a common place for people to meet up when they are in Osaka and it’s one of the best places as there are many floors full of activities to do. It’s perfect because you can shop, eat, play games, go to the top floor where they have a huge purikura playground where people can dress up in costumes and take pictures (or just take a regular purikura), a whole area dedicated to playing cards with tables and everything, and of course, a giant Ferris Wheel for people to ride and create new memories as they view Osaka from high in the sky.

I normally shop here, but they recently created a new area to eat at, TAMLO. There are so many great new restaurants that they have for people to try a variety of different foods and sometimes they even have events. Let’s dig in and see what they have to eat.


Let’s Eat!

Kitchen Mochi

★ ★ ☆​​ ☆ ☆

I was the one who suggested that my friend and I eat here after seeing a picture of their quiches. I really love eating quiche, though only eat it at Starbucks these days. I was really curious to see what a place that specializes in quiches and different meals would have.

The taste was amazing and my mouth was watering, however, it only took five minutes of my friends and I sitting and talking after we finished our meal before we were both hungry again. We decided to get up and go to a different café after. A+ for taste, but if you’re looking to get full, that’s just not going to happen here. I think people should try this place at least once though if they’re just looking for a meal and want to go to a café after to chow down on desserts.

Hamburger Kitchen; マルバーグ


I went here with two of my friends late at night. We ended up going here rather than another place we were going to eat at in Hep5 because it was closing. Luckily, Hamburger Kitchen was open until 10 PM and was taking last orders until 21:30.

They had an English menu along with their Japanese handheld menu. It was also a restaurant where you had to order via your cell phone with a QR code menu available. Everything about it was pretty good.

I got the garlic and onion hamburger set with a big portion of rice (which you can size up for free). I couldn’t even finish it all. My friends and I were all stuffed by the time we finished our meal and one of them didn’t even finish most of it because it was so much food. Between the price, the taste, the hours it was open, and the atmosphere, this was definitely the perfect choice. You can’t go wrong eating here!

Cheese とハチミツ


As cheese lovers, my friend and I were ecstatic to try this out. My friend is a vegetarian, so meat was off the table, but we both fell in love with the egg and cheese soufflés that we had. She got one where you had to pour the cheese on top (their specialty), though we waited too long because we were talking too much, and the cheese hardened in the pan a bit. I was happy when she shared half of it with me~ I poured it over me beef stew egg soufflé.

With the beautiful decor, the yummy food, the price point, and the good service, I had to rate this one pretty high. I will definitely be going back again!

Korean Kitchen K-Lovers


This isn’t a restaurant, but my friend and I went here after we ate at the cheese place. I was thoroughly surprised when I ate the Korean tiramisu. As someone who isn’t exactly a big fan of any tiramisu, I didn’t expect it to taste so good. I don’t know what they put inside the tiramisu, but my goodness, I would’ve ordered five of them if I could have.

The taste is like fluffy goodness in your mouth. For a sweet treat, this was the perfect way to end our salty meal. For such a small cup, I felt ¥600 was a bit expensive, but after actually eating it, it’s a bit too addicting to not want to try again.

Pretty set up, absolutely amazing tiramisu that is to die for, and awesome K-pop music playing in the background? PERFECTION. This is definitely a great place to eat out after your meal.

Niko and…Coffee


Last but not least, this cute little café. I wanted to mention this one because it’s kind of tucked away. From the outside, you can see it, but I didn’t know that a café was actually in this shopping store until my friend suggested that we meet there. Even when he suggested it, I was very confused since from inside Hep5, it’s very clearly just an apparel store. When we met up, he took me inside the store where there was nothing but clothes everywhere. However, around the small crevice towards the back is where they have the café. We just got drinks, but the atmosphere was great and they offer different drinks and food for people to try.

It’s perfect as a chill spot to eat and just catch up with someone.

Go Chow Down!

You can’t go wrong with eating at Hep5 because there’s so much for you to taste. So if you are trying to get in a quick meal as your shop til’ you drop, make sure to try one of these spots. My goal is to try every eatery in Hep5, so hopefully I’ll have an update in the next couple of months! Stay tuned~