Fighting for Love and Justice

As a 90s kid, I was a huge fan of anime growing up. Some of the starter animes I watched as a kid were Dragon Ball, Rurouni Kenshin, Rave Master, Cardcaptor Sakura, and of course Sailor Moon along with so many others! When I saw the flyer for this event, I knew I had to go. Who better to take with me than one of Sailor Moon’s biggest fans?

Ticket to the Moon

We easily bought tickets online in advance. The only way to get the ticket was to reserve a time slot in advance. Hundreds and thousands of people go to this event every day, so they sectioned times off into 20-minute increments for how they allow people to flow into the event exhibit. We chose the 11:20 AM time~

The exhibition webpage information:

Adults and University Students: 2000 yen

High School and Junior High School Students: 1400 yen

Elementary School Students: 800 yen

Don’t Be Fashionably Late

It depends on the venue location of course, but make sure to leave on time. I think you should arrive 15 minutes earlier. Keep in mind that there are a lot of Sailor Moon fans and even though there are reserved times to walk in, you might not want to be at the back of the line. Sailor Moon is a huge part of so many people’s lives, so many people are going to come to be first in line. Make sure to get your spot!

Also, make sure to get there early so you can go inside in time. My friend and I were ten minutes late because we couldn’t find each other in the area haha. We were still able to go in as soon as we walked into the ticket area though~

But speaking of fashion! My friend did her hair in Sailor Moon’s dango/meatball hairstyle while I tried to go as Mamoru/Darien.

Trip Down Memory Lane: Exhibit

The exhibition held at Nanba started off with such a hit to the feels. When we walked past the “gates” of the Crystal Palace, we were met with a video slideshow of beautiful creations of art by Naoko Takeuchi for the Sailor Moon Crystal arc. Not to mention they also had a video playing of the original Sailor Moon anime theme song. We immediately started fangirling with other people around us.

Nostalgia Rampage

One of the truly great things about Sailor Moon is that it’s timeless. From older generations to younger generations, everyone really seems to love Sailor Moon, especially with the latest adaptation of Sailor Moon Crystal and the final movie that came out last year that ended the whole saga.

While my friend is in her early 20s and I’m in my late 20s, we both felt very nostalgic about the art and creations presented in the exhibit. Take a look below!

It was so fun to bond over the Sailor Moon movies, the enemies that we liked, and the characters that we absolutely adored.


Out of every exhibit that I have visited since moving to Japan, this was by far my favorite. Both my friend and I were very surprised that we were allowed to take pictures in almost every area! There were around seven different areas throughout the exhibit. Only one of the areas, the section where some art wasn’t published yet and some of Takeuchi-san’s collaboration with Chanel, was where we weren’t allowed to take pictures.

If you’ve lived in Japan and have been to an exhibit, you know that there are staff stopping you from taking pictures everywhere in the exhibit and there are signs warning you not to take pictures. The fact that we could take so many pictures and videos really blew our minds.

Check out some below! While I’m putting a lot of pictures! There is SO much more to the exhibit. This isn’t even half of it~~~

Souvenir Shop

It was a given that we had to get items from the souvenir shop. We went at 11:20 and spent about an hour and a half walking around. Even though we were in one of the first groups,(The event started at 11 AM), some of the items had already been sold out. My friend wanted the Sailor Moon compact mirror, but by the time we got there it was gone. Definitely make sure to get some of the items they have there as this is probably one of your only chances to get these one-of-a-kind special items. I got some postcards to hang in my room!

Picture This!

If you know me, you know I get a purikura for every occasion. (Every day is an occasion.) Of course, we went and did a Sailor Moon-themed purikura after eating delicious burgers.

Missed It? Fret not!

If you missed it, don’t worry! You may be able to catch the next one!

It’s an exhibition tour, so they’re holding the exhibit all throughout Japan in different areas. The next one is in Nagoya from July 13 until September 1.


All in all, this was a very special event for both my friend and me and we couldn’t recommend it enough. Definitely a 10 out of 10 experience that you won’t regret and definitely worth every penny….yen. So get your ticket soon!